Coaching Services

I work with:
Novels & Graphic Novels in these Genres
Historical Fiction
Speculative Fiction
Mythological Retellings
Contemporary romance
Or a combination!
Please Note
I am also open to:
self help books, historical research writing, DND Campaigns, short stories, and novellas.
I am not open to:
horror, thriller, erotica, nonfiction, poems, flash fiction, homework assignments, or school projects
If you feel like your story is unique and doesn’t fit the mold feel free to reach out! I love seeing new and vibrant stories, and would love to hear about yours! If I can’t help you, I could still point you in the direction of a book coach who can!
Starting a Brand New Book
See your book from the outside in, as a whole finished piece
Have a specific, easily manageable outline that you can work from after we’re finished with coaching
A greater understanding of how writing functions on a wholistic level
Understanding of how to plot out your novels that will save you years of time

What you will get:
- A detailed, thorough blueprint outlining the foundations of a new book and assistance in defining the structure
- Thorough in-line and developmental edits on your blueprint work
- Guidance on writing a detailed outline for your book that is consistent and works for the market
- An editorial letter designed to point out what is working and what is not working within these crucial developmental stages
- Two 60-90 minute one-on-one coaching call discussing all the stages of the blueprint and next steps
- Assistance with accountability for deadlines and time management
- Guidance on writing the first chapter of your book
$900 Full OR 3 Payments of $300
Two Chapter Edit
Gain a greater understanding of what agents will look for when they read your pages
Know if your book is ready for the market or not
Find any major issues that would carry throughout the manuscript
Make your first two chapters hook and draw in a reader in a way they never have before

What you will get:
- A thorough, detailed developmental review of the first two chapters of your manuscript (or up to the first 50 pages), including in-line comments and developmental editing
- An editorial letter discussing next steps in strengthening crucial first chapters that need to hook readers and agents alike
- One-on-one coaching on important elements like how to write a scene, story development, and how to hook readers in every step of the way
- One 60 minute coaching call discussing the editorial letter and where to go next
$5/page: Minimum 20 pages ($100), Max 50 pages ($250)
Manuscript Package
Have a fully edited manuscript with detailed notes and assessment on how to proceed with revision
Targeted revitalization and strengthening of your overall story to make the narrative the strongest it can be
Understanding of the importance of genre, along with how to get your unique vision to meet genre standards
Editing on a sentence level, story level, world building level, and pitching level

What you will get:
- A full manuscript evaluation, including detailed developmental comments, in-line edits, and additional feedback on your manuscript focusing on the ins and outs of your story with an intense focus on how to make it stronger
- An editorial letter broadening the perspective on the manuscript as a whole and actionable next steps for revisions
- A one to two hour coaching call with me discussing strengths, weaknesses, and any questions you might have regarding how to move forward with your manuscript. I offer methodical, thorough feedback and one on one coaching that will help support, encourage, and enforce deadline management and understanding on how to tackle your project even when we are no longer working together
- For graphic novels/comics: I evaluate comic scripts with the same thorough and detailed eye, but I will also review your artistic direction with you as you create your work*
- I will send you regular emails updating you on my progress while I read your work
$5/page: Minimum 200 pages ($1000)- Max 400 pages ($2000)
Payment Plans Available
*Graphic Novel manuscript pricing can vary
Ongoing Coaching
Consistent one-on-one feedback with me as you continue to develop your work
Editing, revision, brainstorming, support, and clear deadline management that fits into your schedule
Teaching of long term skills and honing your writing style
Answering any questions that may come up in the writing process

What you will get:
- Ongoing coaching support designed to help you succeed and combat problems on a larger whole with a manuscript and on an closer level with each chapter as you create it or rewrite it, and whether it’s your second draft or your tenth.
- An initial assessment of the manuscript. After my evaluation, I will work with you on overhauling what needs to be fixed, and re-working the story in and out to make it best fit your vision.
- An actionable plan to tackle the creation or revision with a deadline that works for you.
- Assistance with accountability and time management
- Clear, concise, thorough feedback on every submission
- One one-hour coaching call and/or detailed instruction via email per submission discussing next steps
- Email updates and questions answered within business hours. If I feel like your questions need more intense discussion, we can set up a call
$300 per Month
Agent Pitch Package
A strong, consistent query letter, synopsis, and additional pitching materials that will catch an agent’s eye
Understanding of how your book fits into the marketplace, and which marketplaces to pitch to
Dismantling of the daunting process of pitching to agents
Support as you walk through rejections, what they mean, and how to plan accordingly

What you will get:
- A coaching package based on redefining your query letter and synopsis, and getting clear on pitching to agents for traditional publishing.
- Multiple rounds of revisions with you on your query letter, synopsis, and first ten pages of your book to make it pitch ready.
- A spreadsheet of agents you can pitch to within the area you’re working on (up to 30 agents who look for your type of writing organized in a tiered system).
- Guided pacing for agent submissions
- A built in support buffer, where if you get rejected after the initial package is complete, I can help you on discerning what the rejections mean and how to work on your project going forward so you have a better chance at success (up to 10 rejections)
$900 Full OR 3 Payments of $300
Interested in my services or have any questions?
Coaching Services updated as of September 10th, 2024